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03 November 2015

Scary Movie Full Movie (2000)

at  12:28 AM -  by Admin 0

Scary Movie (2000)

A young teenaged girl called Drew Decker (Carmen Electra) is home alone when she receives a phone call. The caller constantly tries to find out her name, and she doesn't give in. The caller then reveals he is looking at her. Scared, she grabs a baseball bat and answers the front door (thinking it is the caller behind) and attacks the trick-or-treaters. The caller then appears in her house, dressed as Ghostface (Scream) from the film Scream. He chases her outside, where he rips her clothes off, which leaves her in white bra and thong. She runs into the sprinklers in her bikini, the killer catches up with her and stabs her in the breast and pulls out an implant. She runs along the road and sees her father, only to be run over by him while being distracted by her mother giving him fellatio. She is then murdered. Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris) is on her computer when her boyfriend Bobby Prinze (Jon Abrahams) appears in the window. Bobby is upset because his relationship with Cindy "isn't going anywhere" (i.e., they have not slept together). Even though he expresses this to her, she refuses and he left Cindy's house...


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