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26 April 2014

Hell Girl: Jigoku Shoujo Full Episode (2005) English Sub

at  4:55 AM -  by Admin 0

Hell Girl: Jigoku Shoujo (2005)

Somewhere in the vast sea of the Internet, there's a website that can only be accessed at the stroke of midnight. Known as the Jigoku Tsushin, rumor has it that if you post a grudge there, the Jigoku Shoujo will appear and drag whoever torments you into the inferno. Very little is known about the girl - all we know for sure is that she lives with her equally enigmatic grandmother, that three magical straw dolls accompany and serve her, and that whenever a posting on the Jigoku Tsushin moves her, she becomes the Jigoku Shoujo...

Jumlah Episod: 26

<TAMAT > Hell Girl: (Season 1)

Hell Girl: Futakomori (Season 2)

<Uploading...> Hell Girl: Mitsuganae (Season 3)


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